Nashville, TN – Professor and author Stephen Yulish, Ph.D discusses his research on the UFO phenomenon in light of the Biblical record and prophetic revelations, and his remarkable turn from a secular Jewish upbringing to becoming a follower of Christ, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 29 June on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Dr. Yulish has studied astronomy and exobiology at Case Western Reserve University, and graduated in 1969. He eventually became a History Professor at The University of Arizona for seven years. He was also a member of NICAP and APRO in the 1960s after reading Project Bluebook. He developed an interest in Bible prophecy after becoming a Christian in 1988. Since that time, he has published an enormous number of articles at “UFO Digest” - in effect, being a “minister” to the UFO community by exploring the UFO phenomenon in light of the teachings of the Bible, and its insights into the possible demonic explanation for these manifestations. He has also written a number of books on the UFO phenomenon and Bible prophecy, including “The Great Harpazo Deception: The Real Story of UFOs” and “Invasion: Israel”, as well as his professional publication “Search for a Civic Religion: History of the Character Education Movement in America, 1890 – 1935”, with this voracious output accomplished in spite of his long-term battle with multiple sclerosis, which will in fact impede his attendance at the 2009 “Ancient of Days” Conference (although his commentary will be recited in the panel sessions). In this entertaining interview, he recounts his amazing conversion from an educated, New Age-influenced skeptic of the Gospel with a Jewish heritage, to an eventual disciple of Christ, as a result of the faithful witness of some persistent and persuasive Christian co-workers, who exhibited faithfulness and love as a part of Christ's extensive outreach to this gentleman. Dr. Yulish discusses his studies and research that reveal why he feels the UFO phenomenon has explanations in Biblical texts that describe the Last Days, and the difficulties current devotees in the UFO community have in embracing Christ, although their large numbers are seen as needing more Christian “workers” to reach out and disciple. Dr. Yulish closes with an exhortation for Christians to “look up, for their redemption draweth nigh”, and to seek holiness, wisdom in the Scriptures, and reach out to these who need Christ around us, and to be ready with answers when opportunities arise.
“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (
CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (
Hey all, sorry I have not had enough time to write anything this last week or so. I've been out of town, and will continue to be so.
As a quick something to read, check out this article I came across recently...
Pentagon Calls Protests "Low-Level Terrorism" By Matthew Harwood 06/16/2009 - The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is asking the Pentagon to immediately remove a question on a test that equates protests with "low-level terrorism," according to a letter from the civil liberties group.The test is part of a mandatory antiterrorism refresher course given annually to Department of Defense (DoD) "elements and personnel." One question included in the test asks the exam taker "Which of the following is an example of low-level terrorism activity?" The exam taker is given four possible answers: "Attacking the Pentagon," "IEDs," "Hate crimes against racial groups," and "Protests." The correct answer, however, was protests. In a letter addressed to Gail McGinn, acting undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness at the Pentagon, the ACLU has asked the DoD to respond in two ways: "by correcting the materials before they are used further and by sending out corrective materials to all DoD employees who received the erroneous training." Preceding this demand to change the course material, the ACLU gives a full-throated defense of protests as a First Amendment protected activity and reviews recent cases where domestic surveillance programs have overstepped their bounds, according to civil libertarian groups such as the ACLU. For the DoD to instruct its employees that lawful protest activities should be treated as "low-level terrorism" is deeply disturbing in and of itself. It is an even more egregious insult to constitutional values, however, when viewed in the context of a long-term pattern of domestic security initiatives that have attempted to equate lawful dissent with terrorism. Examples of this shameful pattern can be seen in the Pentagon's monitoring of at least 186 anti-military protests, a North Central Texas Fusion System bulletin that states that law enforcement officers should report anti-war protest groups in their areas, the FBI's surveillance of potential protesters at the Republican National Convention, the Fresno County Sheriff Anti-Terrorism Unit's covert infiltration and surveillance of Peace Fresno, a community peace and social justice organization, and the covert surveillance by the Maryland State Police of local peace and anti-death penalty groups. Policing ideas, rather than criminal activities, runs counter to our nation's core principles, undermining the very foundations of a free society that the Department of Defense is dedicated to preserving."
Nashville, TN – Gary Bates, CEO of Creation Ministries International Worldwide ( discusses the essential element of Darwinistic evolution as a foundation of the growing and popular international New Age-based “UFO cult” religion, and its impact on societal thinking, tyrannical population control and spiritual condition, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 22 June on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Mr. Bates directs a prominent worldwide Christian organization that is a preeminent educational institution regarding scientific origins and creation science, and is understood to employ more scientists than any other Christian ministry. He has also conducted landmark research regarding the modern-day UFO phenomenon and potential Biblical explanations, as documented in his popular book “Alien Intrusion”. In this interview, Mr. Bates discusses the basic tenants of Darwinistic evolution, and its history and original intentions to support the eugenics movement regarding the selected breeding of preferred races. The resultant political ramifications of such teachings, which focus on amoral, meaningless random processes within humanity and “survival of the fittest”, that led to the bloody brutality and despair of Communism, and the selective breeding and genocide of Nazism, is also briefly explored. This modern-day revision of how man perceives himself, his origins and his destiny, is also considered in terms of its devastating effects on the proliferation of Christianity, and weakening of its cultural relevance, security and impact on society, as well as resulting in the loss of many youth from Christian homes whose faith is assaulted while in the public school system. Alternative means of harmonizing fossil records with the Biblical text are also briefly mentioned, but the bulk of the remaining discussion focuses on how evolution has formed the foundation of the teaching that is present within the UFO cult community. This ideology provides the primary basis of the “panspermia” theory of human origins, which teaches that human life on earth originated from extraterrestrial life from beyond, which may have also bio-engineered our species, and who may believe that humanity is continuing to evolve to an “advanced state” (approaching the state of our ET “fathers”), both physically and as well as spiritually. This belief system is contrasted to the Biblical record,with a creative God to whom we are accountable. The discussion concludes with a notice of Mr. Bates' upcoming speaking engagement at the “Ancient of Days” Christian Symposium on Aliens, being held over the 4th of July weekend in Roswell, New Mexico, speaking alongside Doctor Future and a number of other past “Future Quake” guests.
“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (
CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (
So apparently its no big deal to taser someone in custody to help change their mind about exercising their right to refuse a mouthswab. I dont know what it is, but upstate New York has gotten scary.
-First, it was talk about instituting martial law because of rogue police. -Then, there was talk about registering every single bullet sold in the county. -Now, according to the court ruling, its o.k. to use a thompson a swift electric rifle to get someone to submit, by using the "drive stun" setting.
Wiki says of drive stun: Some Taser models, particularly those used by police departments, also have a "Drive Stun" capability, where the Taser is held against the target without firing the projectiles, and is intended to cause pain without incapacitating the target. "Drive Stun" is "the process of using the EMD weapon [Taser] as a pain compliance technique.
But hey, dont take my word for it...tell em about the latest trampling of the constitution Mrs. Holmes...
Hey all this is from our recent futurequake guest, Chris White.
Chris is an intriguing guy to say the least. He works for the Revelations Radio network with which Futurequake is affiliated. He also makes documentaries. Check out the fifteen part piece he did about stopping sleep paralysis.
He's also started doing "sermon jams".
A sermon jam is a sermon set to music and pictures, to help encourage brothers and sisters in the Lord.
I just watched this one, and I thought ya'll might like it.
Nashville, TN – Award-winning documentary producer and investigator Linda Moulton Howe reveals shocking data from her years of research, regarding the evidence and eye-witness testimony of the appearances of non-human intelligences, and their revealed (and sometimes concealed) agenda regarding humanity, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 15 June on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Ms. Howe is an Emmy-award winning investigative journalist and documentary producer, with her productions aired by national media such as the Discovery Channel and HBO, and is a favorite and regular guest of national talk radio (such as “Coast to Coast AM”), and with a internationally-popular breaking news website She is considered a worldwide investigative expert on the subjects of crop circles, cattle mutilations, and encounters with unexplainable, unearthly objects and entities. Ms. Howe made a brief visit to “Future Quake” a considerable time ago, and created quite a stir with her cryptic disclosures of testimony from government officials regarding their interactions with unearthly entities, and their agenda of creating indiscernible “hybrids” to be dispersed amongst the public at large. In this recent extended visit to “Future Quake”, she discusses the details and characteristics of entities encountered and reported in eye-witness testimony from numerous individuals, and the agendas they reveal to human subjects in these encounters, as disclosed in her seminal publication, “Glimpses of New Realities: Volume II – High Strangeness”. This startling discussion encompasses testimonies of strange beings who harvest biological material, instruct subjects in foreign means of communication, and witness (and possibly manipulate) apparent death events of subjects. In these experiences, it becomes apparent that these entities, if they indeed exist as described, are intent on deceiving humanity as to their true nature, their motives, and their activities. Reports from government agents and others “tip their hands” as to their expected origins in ancient demonic manifestations, and their possible inter-dimensional nature, versus extraterrestrial. As a result of the spiritual aspects of this subject, Ms. Howe uncharacteristically unveils her own, deeply-held spiritual beliefs as to the significance of these events, and Dr. Future and Tom contrast these opinions to the Biblical position. The interview closes with a brief discussion of the subject of Ms. Howe's presentation planned for the “Dreamland Festival”, occurring June 26-28 in Nashville, TN, to conclude an unforgettable “Future Quake” episode.
“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (
CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (
Nashville, TN – Steven Anderson, pastor and founder of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ, recounts his recent public ordeal of physical and civil rights abuse at the hands of federal law enforcement officials, and the aftermath and lessons learned from the experience, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 8 June on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at In this interview, Pastor Anderson describes in detail the chain of events that occurred on a fateful day recently, when an impromptu roadside check is set up by the U.S. Border Patrol on Interstate 8 (a highway that does not cross the southern border), at a location approximately fifty miles from the border, which is then encountered by Pastor Steven, a bi-vocational pastor returning home from a remote job for his alarm business. After being accused of possibly having drugs on board but with no evidence or cause for the search cited, Pastor Anderson invoked his Constitutional right to decline approval of the vehicle search, which began an odyssey of physical and civil rights abuse that lasted for countless hours. After breaking the driver's side glass and dragging the pastor's face over the broken glass, he was continuously tased as he collapsed out of the vehicle and for some time afterwards, all offering no physical resistance or retaliation, and pleading for mercy, while taunted and ridiculed by federal officials while receiving the brutal treatment. Fortunately, Pastor Stevens had a video camera in his vehicle that captured much of this horrific abuse, which has become a sensation on the Internet and elsewhere on the Web. Pastor Stevens recounts his extended detainment afterwards, being delayed from receiving medial attention for hours, while being cited for cracked windshield glass by the very men who broke his window glass. He also describes the response he has received from others, almost all of which has been supportive, except for a number of Christians who reprimanded him for not “obeying authorities” and for “resisting the Government”. The remainder of the interview reflects upon the ramifications of the experience, and rampant trampling of Constitutional Rights by federal law enforcement and political figures, and the passivity observed from intimidated state officials. Pastor Anderson explains the need for Christians to take brave stands for Constitutional lawfulness and principle, even when compliance would be very convenient and lawful resistance will result in suffering and affliction, to expose evil and lawlessness, and to protect those more vulnerable and weaker members of society. The likely future of civil and church persecution is also considered.
“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (
CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (
You ever have something jump out at you that seems to be a crushing indictment against most of the mediocre morass of Christianity? I was reading Isaiah just a minute ago. Chapter 10 starts like this:
Woe to those who enact evil statutes And to those who constantly record unjust decisions, So as to deprive the needy of justice And rob the poor of My people of their rights, So that widows may be their spoil And that they may plunder the orphans.
The plain text reading of something like this seems to indicate that God delights in justice, in honesty and in lifting up those who are destitute. So to those of us who really want to do things Gods way, what exactly is our responsibility? Are we to sit idly by until the day of Gods wrath comes upon us? Do we try to affect change for the better? Do we just shrug our shoulders and not care? Do we drive to Washington D.C. and meet with our congress persons and demand their intervention? Should we, as many whom I've mentioned this too, just shrug our collective shoulders and pretend that the don't even care?
What would God have me to do?
Several hundred pages to the east, near the end of the bible is a book written by a guy named James. He writes:
"But become doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. Because if anyone is a hearer of the Word, and not a doer, this one is like a man studying his natural face in a mirror; for he studied himself, and has gone away, and immediately he forgot of what kind he was. But the one looking into the perfect Law of liberty, and continuing in it, this one not having become a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in his doing."
So, after the barest of bible verses to act as a compass to appropriate responses, lets look at the case of Shell v. Ken Saro Wiwa.
Here is a mini-documentary about Ken Saro Wiwa and Shells involvement in the Niger Delta...
The Nigerian delta has long been a powder keg of violence against the native tribes who have lived on these native lands and farmed them for food. Part of the mechanisms driving the endless violence in Nigeria is the influence of Shell oil. Indeed, in 1987 one peaceful protest in the community of Iko involved an unprovoked police response wherein the Mobile Police Force (called by the locals familiar with their death squad style methods, the Kill and Go police force.) were transported in three Shell oil company speedboats. Two people were killed, nearly forty houses destroyed and 350 people made homeless.
Three years later in 1990, a similar incident, this time involving the Etche tribe, drew a police response that resulted in the deaths of 80 people and the destruction of 495 homes. In the ensuing investigation, it was discovered that Shell oil specifically requested the Mobile Police Force
As the next few years wore on, the various local communities of the Niger delta began to protest the occupation and seizure of Nigerian lands in a more cohesive and effective fashion. Originally serving as the spokesman for MOSOP, International writer and Poet, Ken Saro-Wiwa stepped forth to lead the burgeoning grassroots campaign for a livelihood for the Ogoni/Niger region. At a rally in 1993 that drew almost 300,000 people he said “The march is against the devastation of the environment. It is against the non-payment of royalties. It is anti-Shell. It is anti-Federal Government, because as far as we are concerned the two are in league to destroy the Ogoni people”.
As peaceful protests grew to regularly drawing 200,000 to 300,00 people, international media began to investigate some of the human rights abuses that the Ogoni people and its blanket human rights organization, MOSOP, had been alleging for years.
In a meeting in March of 95, a strategy to quell some of the grassroots human rights movement was hatched. The strategy could be described as "striking the shepherd so the sheep might scatter." A meeting took place between four senior Shell officials, the Nigerian High Commissioner and the Nigerian Army and Police at the Shell Centre in London where a strategy was planned against the protests. The decision was made to arrest Ken Saro Wiwa on false pretenses then try him, execute him and pretend that the whole thing never happened.
At a riot that appears to be staged, 4 of Ken Saro Wiwa's closest friends were killed.
Five hours later, Ken Saro Wiwa was arrested for murder.
Rather than quell the human rights movement, the protests against Shell continued and so did the violence against the protesters. Human Rights Watch argued that “Because the abuses set in motion by Shell’s reliance on military protection in Ogoniland continue, Shell cannot absolve itself of responsibility for the acts of the military … the Nigerian military’s defence of Shell’s installations has become so intertwined with its repression of minorities in the oil-producing areas that Shell cannot reasonably sever the two.” and yet, The military campaign of repression led to some 2,000 Ogoni being killed, some 30,000 made homeless; countless others tortured and raped.
For the next 9 months before his trial Ken Saro Wiwa and eight others arrested in relation to his charges were repeatedly beaten and tortured in prison.
Saro-Wiwa’s brother, Owens Wiwa, secretly met the head of Shell Nigeria, Brian Anderson between May and July in order to explore ways of securing Saro-Wiwa’s release. Anderson told Owens that “He would be able to help us get Ken freed if we stopped the protest campaign abroad”.
In November, Saro-Wiwa and the eight others were executed. Shell has always maintained that his execution was nothing to do with them. But, as the lawsuit Wiwa v. Shell outlines:
“Shell was involved in the development of the strategy that resulted in the unlawful execution of the Ogoni Nine. Shell told the Nigerian regime they needed to deal with Ken Saro-Wiwa and MOSOP. Shell monitored Ken Saro-Wiwa, and closely followed the tribunal and his detention. Prior to the trial, Shell Nigeria told its parent companies that Saro-Wiwa would be convicted and told witnesses that Saro-Wiwa was never going free. Shell held meetings with the Nigerian regime to discuss the tribunal, including with the military president Sani Abacha himself. Shell’s lawyer attended the trial, which, in Nigeria, is a privilege afforded only to interested parties.”
After Mr. Saro Wiwa's death, an affidavit would be signed by one of the two chief prosecution witnesses, Charles Danwi. It alleged that he had been paid by Shell and others to testify. It read: “He was told that he would be given a house, a contract from Shell and Ompadec and some money … He was given 30,000 Naira … At a later meeting security agents, government officials and …representatives of Shell and Ompadec were all present”.
Several weeks after that, the other chief witness in the suit, one Nayone Akpa declared in a written statement that he was offered“30,000 Naira, employment with the Gokana Local Government, weekly allowances and contracts with Ompadec and Shell” if he signed a document that implicated Saro-Wiwa too. Shell denied bribing the witnesses.
Now, if this is true in so far as I have presented biblical mandate, and the facts surrounding the death of Ken Saro Wiwa, why is it that when I mention it to other bible believers a far away look comes into their collective eyes and they stare off into the distance and...
Mumble something about how it doesn't effect them, so they..."don't want to hear about some guy getting executed in some far off land for no good reason. I don't know him so I don't care."
Or about how they "don't want to get involved with the cares of the world, because they just don't want to get wrapped up in it. I don't know him so I don't care."
Or, the best, "Look I cant get wrapped up in politics or world affairs. I just have to stay in the Word. I don't know him, so I don't care."
Somewhere a rooster just cawed three times... best
Tommy B.
*This article relies heavily on information at the site to whom I am indebted for standing in the gap, when so many who should, dont.*