Monday, December 21, 2009

Supreme Court Guts Due Process!

From Naked Capitalism:

Reader Walter passed along this distressing sighting from Chris Floyd’s blog. American civil liberties were gutted last week, and the media failed to take note of it.

The development? If the president or one of his subordinates declares someone to be an “enemy combatant” (the 21st century version of “enemy of the state”) he is denied any protection of the law. So any trouble-maker (which means anyone) can be whisked away, incarcerated, tortured, “disappeared,” you name it. Floyd’s commentary:

After hearing passionate arguments from the Obama Administration, the Supreme Court acquiesced to the president’s fervent request and, in a one-line ruling, let stand a lower court decision that declared torture an ordinary, expected consequence of military detention, while introducing a shocking new precedent for all future courts to follow: anyone who is arbitrarily declared a “suspected enemy combatant” by the president or his designated minions is no longer a “person.” They will simply cease to exist as a legal entity. They will have no inherent rights, no human rights, no legal standing whatsoever — save whatever modicum of process the government arbitrarily deigns to grant them from time to time, with its ever-shifting tribunals and show trials.

It is hard to overstate the significance of this horrid decision. The fact that the Supreme Court authorized this land grab says we no longer have an independent judiciary, that the Supreme Court itself is gutting the protections supposedly provided by the legal system. Per Floyd:

In fact, our most august defenders of the Constitution did not have to exert themselves in the slightest to eviscerate not merely 220 years of Constitutional jurisprudence but also centuries of agonizing effort to lift civilization a few inches out of the blood-soaked mire that is our common human legacy. They just had to write a single sentence.

Now Floyd saw this mainly as an issue of the treatment of enemy combatants and Obama hypocrisy about torture, which is bad enough:

The Constitution is clear: no person can be held without due process; no person can be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment. And the U.S. law on torture of any kind is crystal clear: it is forbidden, categorically, even in time of “national emergency.” And the instigation of torture is, under U.S. law, a capital crime. No person can be tortured, at any time, for any reason, and there are no immunities whatsoever for torture offered anywhere in the law.

And yet this is what Barack Obama — who, we are told incessantly, is a super-brilliant Constitutional lawyer — has been arguing in case after case since becoming president: Torturers are immune from prosecution; those who ordered torture are immune from prosecution….let’s be absolutely clear: Barack Obama has taken the freely chosen, public, formal stand — in court — that there is nothing wrong with any of these activities.

Yves here. The implications are FAR worse. Anyone can be stripped, with NO RECOURSE, of all their legal rights on a Presidential say so. Readers in the US no longer have any security under the law.

Roman citizens enjoyed a right to a trial, a right of appeal, and could not be tortured, whipped, or executed except if found guilty of treason, and anyone charged with treason could demand a trial in Rome. We have regressed more than 2000 years with this appalling ruling.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Show #188

Nashville, TN – Prominent psychiatrist and founder of the Colin A. Ross Institute for Psychological Trauma (, Dr. Colin Ross discusses the unbelievably disconcerting history of CIA mind-control research on unwitting American subjects in partnership with respected medical institutions and figures, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 21 December on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at In addition to his role as President of his hospital-based Institute in Texas since 1991, Dr. Ross is an internationally renowned clinician, researcher, author and lecturer in the field of dissociation and trauma-related disorders. He has authored over 130 professional papers, reviewed for numerous professional journals and grant agencies and is a past President of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation, and has appeared in a number of television documentaries. His published books include The Trauma Model: A Solution To the Problem of Co-morbidity in Psychiatry, Schizophrenia: Innovations in Diagnosis and Treatment, and Moon Shadows: Stories of Trauma & Recovery. This interview focuses on the shocking findings of his book The C.I.A. Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists, which documents activities disclosed directly in declassified government documents obtained by the Freedom of Information Act, revealing the heinous human physical and mental health experiments performed under the guidance of the Central Intelligence Agency, in concert with prestigious universities and medical foundations. The discussion, as in the book, begins with a review of German science atrocities in World War II, and how American and Russian government agents spirited these war criminals away to their countries, to continue their ghoulish experiments, often skirting laws and oversight, as well as the decades-long “Tuskegee Syphilis Study”, where hundreds of men were unwittingly denied treatment with the full knowledge of the government, medical and academic communities. Research by the American intelligence and defense communities conducted by use of unwitting subjects for life (or sanity)-threatening experiments, including the exposure of children to plutonium and communities to chem./bio exposures, is shown to be prolific during the Cold War, as well as their technique of using “front” foundations to fund the efforts. Most chilling is the documented “mind control” projects to create unwitting “Manchurian Candidates”, and the strong possibility of its component in the “War on Terror”, in this critically-important discussion.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future” and co-host "Tom Bionic", is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Alex Jones, Joseph Farah, Chuck Baldwin and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Agenda Exposed From "Climate-Gate"

Show # 187


14 DECEMBER 2009


Nashville, TN – Acclaimed environmental scientist Dr. Michael Coffman (, explains the real globalist agenda, disguised as the “environmental movement”, which has just been exposed worldwide via the “Climate-Gate” communications whistle-blowing incident, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 14 December on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Dr. Coffman received worldwide notoriety for his championing effort previously to expose the impact of the Biodiversity Treaty on the property and lives of American citizens, and led the fight to help defeat the treaty in the U.S. Senate by one vote. Since that time, he and his organization Environmental Perspectives, Incorporated ( has fought valiantly to expose the deception of the global environmental movement and subsequent United Nations initiatives, both in galvanizing political support and in providing accurate and informed educational materials for young people and adults, about the true state of the biosphere as opposed to that described in the mainstream media. He returns to “Future Quake” to explain the late-breaking news development now coined as “Climate-Gate” by the media, whereby an anonymous whistleblower hacked and then posted thousands of emails and communications from the computer systems of East Anglia University, a British Institution that receives millions of public dollars to compile reliable climatic and atmospheric data for use by scientists worldwide as a sole source of such data, and provide guidance for policy-making for bodies such as the United Nations. The communications released worldwide exposed the scientists’ and management’s techniques of grossly falsifying data to disguise global cooling trends, manipulating public relations and the media, and performing witch-hunts and career-ruining efforts against those scientists who dispute the reality of man-made global warming. Dr. Coffman separates truth from fiction concerning this event based upon his expertise and knowledge of the participants, and the uncanny correlation of the findings of this development to the predictions made by Dr. Coffman in an earlier visit. In exploring this subject, it becomes clear that the motives of these global players through this movement are to financially exploit the peoples of Earth due to the forced transfer of wealth by government edict, directly to insiders who have invested in “favored” technologies, as well as produce the funds to support authoritative global government. The insights this event sheds on other politicized scientific issues are also discussed.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future” and co-host "Tom Bionic", is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Alex Jones, Joseph Farah, Chuck Baldwin and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Sunday, December 6, 2009

American Evangelical Christianity At A Crossroads - Considering The "Liberty" Option

Show # 186

Christian intellectual robert heid discusses the crisis of american evangelical christianity and its need for self-examination, on the 7 - 11 december 09 “future quake” radio programs

Christian educator, intellectual and show favorite Robert Heid discusses the current state of American evangelical Christianity at a “crossroads”
of credibility, identity and world view, and the “self-assessments” of perception warranted by its constituents to retain its role of “salt” and light” in society, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 7 December on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at He begins by recounting his own journey as a pastor and member of the evangelical community in good standing, and the discoveries he has uncovered in recent years about the nature of the fundamental presuppositions that he and his fellow evangelical brethren have embraced in melding Biblical Christianity and American culture. A period of soul-searching and dedicated “thinking” have led him to believe that these cultural tenants and presuppositions may have faulty and misinformed foundations. In this discussion, he re-visits the subject of earlier interviews concerning libertarianism and the principle of “natural law”, and the ignorance of their principles by much of the evangelical community, which have impeded a serious and widespread consideration of their merits within a Christian, Biblical worldview framework. Heid also comments on examples of the commonly inherited cultural aspects within the American Christian community that need to be acknowledged and critiqued, such as tendencies to “label” people monolithically, exhibit “hero worship”, and have a “romanticized” view of American life, culture and values (as he confesses he observed was a component of his own psychology). He laments that, in his judgment, American Christians are not typically “thinking deeply” (possibly due to lack of dedicated effort or limitations of interactions with others), and most importantly exhibits a consistent trend of preferring authoritative social control (as evidenced by Christians’ prevalent positions on historical issues such as slavery, Prohibition, and similar matters). Furthermore, he provides a damning, yet evenhanded assessment that American Christians have become known as “loving war” (and having benefited from its support) as well as a growing police state. He also coins original terms for fantasies Christians have created, such as the ‘Disney-fication” of American history and life, as well as its “Austenization” form of British culture and history, and the “boogey-men” Christian communities create and then choose to prefer to confront, rather than the core issues that really threaten citizens. He closes with a plan of action to avoid fads and create “real” change, in this “can’t-miss” broadcast.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Alex Jones, Joseph Farah, Chuck Baldwin and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

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“Future Quake” is a Christian interview and news review program, focusing on events that will impact our futures. It airs 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN. Archived at, or podcast at I-Tunes (under “future quake”)
