Saturday, July 25, 2009

King of the Universe? More like lord of the flies

Here is a photo of Sung Young Moon being crowned King of the Universe in the capitol building.

Dear Bo:

This is a reprint of a letter that Tim Lahaye allegedly wrote to Bo Hi Pak.

"Dear Bo Hi," began the Reverend Lahaye:

"This letter is being written at 37,000 feet out of Chicago en route to San Francisco. Although I don't like to face this fact, I will not be home for a one month. Sometimes I think I must be mad to keep up this pace. In fact, God has convicted me about abusing my body even in a good cause like this. So I plan to turn down more speaking engagements that do not contribute to ACTV(American Coalition for Traditional Family Values) objectives and my FLS(Family Life Seminars) ministry of radio-TV specials and writing.

Bev and I are beginning to enjoy living in Washington D.C., more every day, and to my amazement it is beginning to seem like home. As soon as we get our radio time changed from 7:00 to 8:00 each night to 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. daily, we want to have and your wife over for dinner.

Bo Hi, I am encouraged! Amid the bad signs I see today, I also detect a lot of good signs. The secretary of education, Don Regan, Ed Meese, Pat Buchanan and many others. Even physical ailments to three of the 76(year old) flaming liberal Supreme Court justices. Bev was invited to the White House yesterday and was introduced to over 300 conservative leaders as "the president of the largest women's organization in America - over twice as large as NOW"... and was extended a thunderous applause. She is rather retiring by nature and was modestly embarrassed. I believe she is going to be given some unique opportunities in the future because of the growth of her organization. In fact, the conservatives at the White House are trying to get her appointed as a delegate along with Marcella(sic) Meese to the International Women's Year Conference to be held in June in Africa. That would be a golden opportunity for Bev to get better aquatinted with the new attorney generals wife and also find out what the radical left out of Moscow is planning for the women of the world in the 1990s.

On this trip, I will be going to the Holy Land with Jerry Falwell and speaking for his three-day conference on prophecy. Confidentially, during that time I am going to talk to him about 1988 and my strategy for winning the (Republican Presidential) primary. I am convinced he can beat Teddy in the general election if we could get him through the primary. I hope Pat Robertson doesn't make a play for the same thing and divide the Christian vote. I think Jerry will like my plan to recruit 435 activists, one in each congressional district, to work under our ACTV city chairman. I'll let you know what he says.

Once again, my friend, I am in your debt for your generous help to our work. You don't know how timely it was! This move and reorganization of the whole ministry to free me for more time in Washington and ACTV activities has been extremely expensive, much more so than I originally thought. But I see daylight down the road and feel it is part the Master's plan. As soon as I can afford it, I plan to hire a PR firm to give more coverage for ACTV, get our message to the people.

God Bless you! Let's plan to sit together at the first CBS shareholder's meeting when Jesse Helms makes his move to take it over.

your friend,

The Infiltration of New Age Influences In The Upper Eschelons Of The Evangelical Community

Show # 167


27 JULY 2009


Nashville, TN – Legendary and controversial Christian investigator and writer Constance Cumbey ( unveils explosive data exposing the infiltration (by covert investments and other means of influence) by New Age and even Unification Church (Reverend Moon) top officials and groups into high-profile evangelical ministries, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 27 July on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Mrs. Cumbey, a successful practicing attorney in Michigan, is best known internationally for being one of the earliest Christian investigators to expose the rise of the “New Age Movement” internationally in profile and power within the United Nations and media, and its threat to evangelical Christianity, as documented in her best selling classic “The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow”, and her other books. In fact, the work of her and a few other “watchmen” in the Body of Christ in this area had a pronounced effect in educating and warning a large portion of the Body of Christ back in the 1980s and since then, and in possibly delaying the plans of the New Age leadership in usurping widespread power and suppression of Christian practice for decades or more. However, since that time of widespread acclaim, Mrs. Cumbey has drawn intense criticism from powerful “para-church” evangelical ministries, due to her subsequent research that has uncovered tangible evidence that these well-known and influential ministries have been infiltrated by clever New Age leaders (as part of their “modern” agenda), and who have fallen under their influence while remaining silent on the “New Age” threat, all without disclosure to their rank-and-file Christian supporters. In this genuinely shocking interview, Mrs. Cumbey “names names” of the prominent ministries that have been discovered as having such tainted influence, including “smoking gun” evidence of a key meeting held with top New Age and evangelical leaders, and the aftermath of this “hushed up” (yet verifiable) summit, as well as the chain of murky front organizations that serve as a “front” to pass funds and resources through to the ministries. Furthermore, she also discusses how Reverend Moon and the Unification Church have blatantly funded some of the most prominent evangelical organizations, often with such arrangements veiled through third party arrangements and organizations, presumably to provide required funds to maintain operations of the vast infrastructure owned by many of these well-heeled ministries, or their other favorite initiatives. This controversial show will be talked about for some time to come.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Perhaps they're trying to kill us...

As we move towards mandatory vaccinations, perhaps we all should consider this here video.

Eyewitness Report From The "Ancient of Days" Christian Conference on Aliens

Show #166


20 JULY 2009


Nashville, TN – “Future Quake” Radio show host “Doctor Future” returns from his journey to Roswell New Mexico, where he spoke at the “'Ancient of Days' First Christian Conference on Aliens”, and reports on the noteworthy and groundbreaking events that transpired there, in an interview with co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 20 July on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at The “Ancient of Days” Conference is held in the midst of the “Roswell UFO Festival”, where tens of thousands of people are drawn each year to hear the latest research on the UFO phenomenon, many of which are drawn to the New Age-based “UFO cult” religions, that see aliens as our “creators” and “space brothers” who will be returning for us, and whom are visiting some people even today. Guy Malone, the founder and organizer of the “Ancient of Days” conferences since their inception in 2003, had found possible answers to the alien abduction and other UFO phenomena in the pages of the Bible, including demonological explanations, and even an End-Time scenario revealed that could explain their sudden increase in activity today. Mr. Malone assembled cutting-edge Christian researchers that also had been reaching these same conclusions in their own areas of expertise, including the discovery and mounting evidence that abductees could achieve deliverance from their abduction events when seeking the spiritual protection available in Jesus Christ, and provided a forum for such matters to be discussed and evaluated. Doctor Future himself attended such a conference in 2005, and found it a life-changing experience, which shocking revelations unveiled from the Bible itself, with ramifications that impacted overall theological concepts and even daily practice of the Christian faith, while also exhibiting the work of the Holy Spirit made manifest in the lives of the attendees, including spiritual deliverance and restoration of relationships, as observed during the event. As such, Doctor Future was thrilled to be asked by Guy Malone to speak at the 2009 version of the conference, which placed an emphasis this year on educating Christan pastors and teachers. The speaker list comprised a stellar and distinguished cast, including Dr. Bill Alnor, Gary Bates, Dr. Michael Heiser, Joe Jordan, Pastor Chris Ward, Dr. Lynn Mazulli, and Guy Malone, as well as participation by Russ Dizdar. In this interview, Doctor Future discusses the background of this unique conference series, the content of his presentation as well as that of fellow speakers, and the outcome of the event, of which DVDs of the talks will be available at

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Real Story Behind Our Government'S Secret Detainment Programs

Show #165


13 JULY 2009


Nashville, TN – Expert investigator and author of “Torture Taxi – On The Trail of The CIA's Rendition Flights”, Trevor Paglen, Ph.D, discusses the dark and sordid details and history of our nation's unlawful, secret rendition (i.e., “kidnapping”) program, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 13 July on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Dr. Paglen received his doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley, based upon his research recorded in his book “Blank Spots On The Map”, about the history and locations of our Defense Department's hidden facilities (another book he recently published is “I Could Tell You, But Then You Would Have To Be Destroyed By Me”, a somewhat light-hearted look at the mysterious patches, emblems and symbols used to represent top-secret military units). He teaches and conducts research in the fields of geography and art, and uses his unique means of applying his skills in these disciplines to investigate and then expose the hidden world of our government's activities, and the tools they use to conduct and pursue agendas outside the critique of the public eye. In this compelling interview, Dr. Paglen discusses our nation's history of covert kidnapping and internment of people off the street, often never to be heard from again, without the benefit of redress in the courts or any other hearings, nor any other recourse to appeal to their legal rights and remedies, which has been conducted and even grown over time under Presidential administrations of both parties. He also discusses the ominous hidden infrastructure of facilities, both within our country and worldwide, which employ techniques such as permanently dark rooms, where chained captives are exposed to loud music and other psychological torture indefinitely, until madness ensues. The network of secret CI facilities within our communities, disguised as other “regular” front businesses and registered as being owned by mythical or deceased owners, and transportation devices such as unmarked aircraft operating from runways in regular communities, are shown to be the means the CIA uses to spirit individuals off the streets and to remote facilities, all under the noses of the public. Details of some of these facilities and procedures are unveiled from the testimony of the few who have survived to make their way back to society, some of which were taken due to mistaken identity. The significant portion of the interview comprises a discussion of the spiritual, moral and ethical aspects of this activity, and how it weakens societal character, promotes terrorism, and threatens everyone.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Our science czar wants to kill us...err at least sterilize us

Have you guys seen some of the crazy stuff that the science czar has written??

He is for things like mass compulsory abortions, sterilizing whole areas of the country by putting stuff in the drinking water, and all sorts of other craziness.

Props to for compiling all of this!

Page 837: Compulsory abortions would be legal

Page 786: Single mothers should have their babies taken away by the government; or they could be forced to have abortions

Page 787-8: Mass sterilization of humans though drugs in the water supply is OK as long as it doesn't harm livestock

Page 786-7: The government could control women's reproduction by either sterilizing them or implanting mandatory long-term birth control

Page 838: The kind of people who cause "social deterioration" can be compelled to not have children

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Fight TO Expose Government Suppression OF The ET Presence

164# Show


6 JULY 2009


Nashville, TN – Larry Klayman, attorney and founder of the legendary public interest group “Judicial Watch”, announces his formal inquiry to obtain information from federal defense and intelligence agencies regarding possible government communications with extraterrestrial (ET) intelligences, as well as other mission areas of his new organization, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 6 July on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Larry Klayman founded the history-making group “Judicial Watch”, and received notoriety as the only attorney who has ever obtained a court ruling that a U.S. President committed a crime, as his group remained in headlines throughout the 1990s and beyond. Although his organizations have been known to be generally conservative, they have legally pursued public officials on both the left and right, including President Bill Clinton, President George W. Bush, Tom Delay, Dick Cheney, Jack Abramoff, John Kerry, and high profile cases involving the White House Energy Task Force, the Pentagon attack, the evacuation of the Bin Laden family, Terri Schiavo, and many others. After a Senate campaign, Mr. Klayman has now formed the public interest group “Freedom Watch” (, with the goal of “preserving freedom”, and “redefining its meaning”. This organization comprises a number of issue-driven “strike forces”, which include a large number of Constitution and freedom-based issues. Amongst the most curious is the topic of pressing the federal government to release documents and information pertaining to their knowledge of extraterrestrials (ETs), as well as any communications they may have made with them. This effort was also the subject of a recent Press Release from the organization, announcing their Freedom of Information Act requests for data on this topic from the Department of Defense, Defense Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency and the U.S. Air Force, with the implication that more coercive actions could be forthcoming. In this news-making interview, Mr. Klayman discusses the purposes and origins of this undertaking (which is quite unique for a conservative organization), and his assertion that this matter is of grave importance as a “national security issue”. The actions of his group (based upon their successes to date) will certainly “turn up the heat” to eventually lead to “Disclosure” of the ET presence by the government, as witnessed by this timely and riveting discussion.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (
