Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dear Bo:

This is a reprint of a letter that Tim Lahaye allegedly wrote to Bo Hi Pak.

"Dear Bo Hi," began the Reverend Lahaye:

"This letter is being written at 37,000 feet out of Chicago en route to San Francisco. Although I don't like to face this fact, I will not be home for a one month. Sometimes I think I must be mad to keep up this pace. In fact, God has convicted me about abusing my body even in a good cause like this. So I plan to turn down more speaking engagements that do not contribute to ACTV(American Coalition for Traditional Family Values) objectives and my FLS(Family Life Seminars) ministry of radio-TV specials and writing.

Bev and I are beginning to enjoy living in Washington D.C., more every day, and to my amazement it is beginning to seem like home. As soon as we get our radio time changed from 7:00 to 8:00 each night to 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. daily, we want to have and your wife over for dinner.

Bo Hi, I am encouraged! Amid the bad signs I see today, I also detect a lot of good signs. The secretary of education, Don Regan, Ed Meese, Pat Buchanan and many others. Even physical ailments to three of the 76(year old) flaming liberal Supreme Court justices. Bev was invited to the White House yesterday and was introduced to over 300 conservative leaders as "the president of the largest women's organization in America - over twice as large as NOW"... and was extended a thunderous applause. She is rather retiring by nature and was modestly embarrassed. I believe she is going to be given some unique opportunities in the future because of the growth of her organization. In fact, the conservatives at the White House are trying to get her appointed as a delegate along with Marcella(sic) Meese to the International Women's Year Conference to be held in June in Africa. That would be a golden opportunity for Bev to get better aquatinted with the new attorney generals wife and also find out what the radical left out of Moscow is planning for the women of the world in the 1990s.

On this trip, I will be going to the Holy Land with Jerry Falwell and speaking for his three-day conference on prophecy. Confidentially, during that time I am going to talk to him about 1988 and my strategy for winning the (Republican Presidential) primary. I am convinced he can beat Teddy in the general election if we could get him through the primary. I hope Pat Robertson doesn't make a play for the same thing and divide the Christian vote. I think Jerry will like my plan to recruit 435 activists, one in each congressional district, to work under our ACTV city chairman. I'll let you know what he says.

Once again, my friend, I am in your debt for your generous help to our work. You don't know how timely it was! This move and reorganization of the whole ministry to free me for more time in Washington and ACTV activities has been extremely expensive, much more so than I originally thought. But I see daylight down the road and feel it is part the Master's plan. As soon as I can afford it, I plan to hire a PR firm to give more coverage for ACTV, get our message to the people.

God Bless you! Let's plan to sit together at the first CBS shareholder's meeting when Jesse Helms makes his move to take it over.

your friend,

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