Monday, December 21, 2009

Supreme Court Guts Due Process!

From Naked Capitalism:

Reader Walter passed along this distressing sighting from Chris Floyd’s blog. American civil liberties were gutted last week, and the media failed to take note of it.

The development? If the president or one of his subordinates declares someone to be an “enemy combatant” (the 21st century version of “enemy of the state”) he is denied any protection of the law. So any trouble-maker (which means anyone) can be whisked away, incarcerated, tortured, “disappeared,” you name it. Floyd’s commentary:

After hearing passionate arguments from the Obama Administration, the Supreme Court acquiesced to the president’s fervent request and, in a one-line ruling, let stand a lower court decision that declared torture an ordinary, expected consequence of military detention, while introducing a shocking new precedent for all future courts to follow: anyone who is arbitrarily declared a “suspected enemy combatant” by the president or his designated minions is no longer a “person.” They will simply cease to exist as a legal entity. They will have no inherent rights, no human rights, no legal standing whatsoever — save whatever modicum of process the government arbitrarily deigns to grant them from time to time, with its ever-shifting tribunals and show trials.

It is hard to overstate the significance of this horrid decision. The fact that the Supreme Court authorized this land grab says we no longer have an independent judiciary, that the Supreme Court itself is gutting the protections supposedly provided by the legal system. Per Floyd:

In fact, our most august defenders of the Constitution did not have to exert themselves in the slightest to eviscerate not merely 220 years of Constitutional jurisprudence but also centuries of agonizing effort to lift civilization a few inches out of the blood-soaked mire that is our common human legacy. They just had to write a single sentence.

Now Floyd saw this mainly as an issue of the treatment of enemy combatants and Obama hypocrisy about torture, which is bad enough:

The Constitution is clear: no person can be held without due process; no person can be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment. And the U.S. law on torture of any kind is crystal clear: it is forbidden, categorically, even in time of “national emergency.” And the instigation of torture is, under U.S. law, a capital crime. No person can be tortured, at any time, for any reason, and there are no immunities whatsoever for torture offered anywhere in the law.

And yet this is what Barack Obama — who, we are told incessantly, is a super-brilliant Constitutional lawyer — has been arguing in case after case since becoming president: Torturers are immune from prosecution; those who ordered torture are immune from prosecution….let’s be absolutely clear: Barack Obama has taken the freely chosen, public, formal stand — in court — that there is nothing wrong with any of these activities.

Yves here. The implications are FAR worse. Anyone can be stripped, with NO RECOURSE, of all their legal rights on a Presidential say so. Readers in the US no longer have any security under the law.

Roman citizens enjoyed a right to a trial, a right of appeal, and could not be tortured, whipped, or executed except if found guilty of treason, and anyone charged with treason could demand a trial in Rome. We have regressed more than 2000 years with this appalling ruling.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Show #188

Nashville, TN – Prominent psychiatrist and founder of the Colin A. Ross Institute for Psychological Trauma (, Dr. Colin Ross discusses the unbelievably disconcerting history of CIA mind-control research on unwitting American subjects in partnership with respected medical institutions and figures, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 21 December on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at In addition to his role as President of his hospital-based Institute in Texas since 1991, Dr. Ross is an internationally renowned clinician, researcher, author and lecturer in the field of dissociation and trauma-related disorders. He has authored over 130 professional papers, reviewed for numerous professional journals and grant agencies and is a past President of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation, and has appeared in a number of television documentaries. His published books include The Trauma Model: A Solution To the Problem of Co-morbidity in Psychiatry, Schizophrenia: Innovations in Diagnosis and Treatment, and Moon Shadows: Stories of Trauma & Recovery. This interview focuses on the shocking findings of his book The C.I.A. Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists, which documents activities disclosed directly in declassified government documents obtained by the Freedom of Information Act, revealing the heinous human physical and mental health experiments performed under the guidance of the Central Intelligence Agency, in concert with prestigious universities and medical foundations. The discussion, as in the book, begins with a review of German science atrocities in World War II, and how American and Russian government agents spirited these war criminals away to their countries, to continue their ghoulish experiments, often skirting laws and oversight, as well as the decades-long “Tuskegee Syphilis Study”, where hundreds of men were unwittingly denied treatment with the full knowledge of the government, medical and academic communities. Research by the American intelligence and defense communities conducted by use of unwitting subjects for life (or sanity)-threatening experiments, including the exposure of children to plutonium and communities to chem./bio exposures, is shown to be prolific during the Cold War, as well as their technique of using “front” foundations to fund the efforts. Most chilling is the documented “mind control” projects to create unwitting “Manchurian Candidates”, and the strong possibility of its component in the “War on Terror”, in this critically-important discussion.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future” and co-host "Tom Bionic", is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Alex Jones, Joseph Farah, Chuck Baldwin and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Agenda Exposed From "Climate-Gate"

Show # 187


14 DECEMBER 2009


Nashville, TN – Acclaimed environmental scientist Dr. Michael Coffman (, explains the real globalist agenda, disguised as the “environmental movement”, which has just been exposed worldwide via the “Climate-Gate” communications whistle-blowing incident, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 14 December on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Dr. Coffman received worldwide notoriety for his championing effort previously to expose the impact of the Biodiversity Treaty on the property and lives of American citizens, and led the fight to help defeat the treaty in the U.S. Senate by one vote. Since that time, he and his organization Environmental Perspectives, Incorporated ( has fought valiantly to expose the deception of the global environmental movement and subsequent United Nations initiatives, both in galvanizing political support and in providing accurate and informed educational materials for young people and adults, about the true state of the biosphere as opposed to that described in the mainstream media. He returns to “Future Quake” to explain the late-breaking news development now coined as “Climate-Gate” by the media, whereby an anonymous whistleblower hacked and then posted thousands of emails and communications from the computer systems of East Anglia University, a British Institution that receives millions of public dollars to compile reliable climatic and atmospheric data for use by scientists worldwide as a sole source of such data, and provide guidance for policy-making for bodies such as the United Nations. The communications released worldwide exposed the scientists’ and management’s techniques of grossly falsifying data to disguise global cooling trends, manipulating public relations and the media, and performing witch-hunts and career-ruining efforts against those scientists who dispute the reality of man-made global warming. Dr. Coffman separates truth from fiction concerning this event based upon his expertise and knowledge of the participants, and the uncanny correlation of the findings of this development to the predictions made by Dr. Coffman in an earlier visit. In exploring this subject, it becomes clear that the motives of these global players through this movement are to financially exploit the peoples of Earth due to the forced transfer of wealth by government edict, directly to insiders who have invested in “favored” technologies, as well as produce the funds to support authoritative global government. The insights this event sheds on other politicized scientific issues are also discussed.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future” and co-host "Tom Bionic", is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Alex Jones, Joseph Farah, Chuck Baldwin and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Sunday, December 6, 2009

American Evangelical Christianity At A Crossroads - Considering The "Liberty" Option

Show # 186

Christian intellectual robert heid discusses the crisis of american evangelical christianity and its need for self-examination, on the 7 - 11 december 09 “future quake” radio programs

Christian educator, intellectual and show favorite Robert Heid discusses the current state of American evangelical Christianity at a “crossroads”
of credibility, identity and world view, and the “self-assessments” of perception warranted by its constituents to retain its role of “salt” and light” in society, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 7 December on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at He begins by recounting his own journey as a pastor and member of the evangelical community in good standing, and the discoveries he has uncovered in recent years about the nature of the fundamental presuppositions that he and his fellow evangelical brethren have embraced in melding Biblical Christianity and American culture. A period of soul-searching and dedicated “thinking” have led him to believe that these cultural tenants and presuppositions may have faulty and misinformed foundations. In this discussion, he re-visits the subject of earlier interviews concerning libertarianism and the principle of “natural law”, and the ignorance of their principles by much of the evangelical community, which have impeded a serious and widespread consideration of their merits within a Christian, Biblical worldview framework. Heid also comments on examples of the commonly inherited cultural aspects within the American Christian community that need to be acknowledged and critiqued, such as tendencies to “label” people monolithically, exhibit “hero worship”, and have a “romanticized” view of American life, culture and values (as he confesses he observed was a component of his own psychology). He laments that, in his judgment, American Christians are not typically “thinking deeply” (possibly due to lack of dedicated effort or limitations of interactions with others), and most importantly exhibits a consistent trend of preferring authoritative social control (as evidenced by Christians’ prevalent positions on historical issues such as slavery, Prohibition, and similar matters). Furthermore, he provides a damning, yet evenhanded assessment that American Christians have become known as “loving war” (and having benefited from its support) as well as a growing police state. He also coins original terms for fantasies Christians have created, such as the ‘Disney-fication” of American history and life, as well as its “Austenization” form of British culture and history, and the “boogey-men” Christian communities create and then choose to prefer to confront, rather than the core issues that really threaten citizens. He closes with a plan of action to avoid fads and create “real” change, in this “can’t-miss” broadcast.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Alex Jones, Joseph Farah, Chuck Baldwin and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

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“Future Quake” is a Christian interview and news review program, focusing on events that will impact our futures. It airs 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN. Archived at, or podcast at I-Tunes (under “future quake”)

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Spiritual Nature Of The New World Order And Their Plans, And The Duty For Christians To Confront It

Show #185


30 NOVEMBER 2009


Nashville, TN – Documentary filmmaker, investigative journalist and host of the daily “Info Wars” radio broadcast ( heard by millions daily, the enigmatic Alex Jones, describes his findings on the spiritual nature of the New World Order and his personal battles in the field with them, and Pastor Chuck Baldwin, 2008 Presidential nominee of the Constitution Party, discusses the duties now before American Christians to combat their influences in our country, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 30 November on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Alex Jones is now one of the most influential men in America and worldwide, a self-made man having risen from his work on local public access cable television, where he reported on air concerning intelligence data he received that airplanes would be flown into the World Trade Center Towers and be blamed on Al-Qaida, just weeks before the “911” event itself. Since that time, he has produced over twenty best-selling documentaries, including his latest provocative effort, “Fall of the Republic – Vol. I: The Presidency of Barack H. Obama”, as well as hosting his daily radio show “Info Wars”, heard by roughly one million listeners on over 60 radio stations, as well as shortwave and the Internet. During this time, he has been arrested in the public on the direct order of George W. Bush, infiltrated the secret, occult “Cremation of Care” ceremony at the Bohemian Grove alongside Presidents and other world figures (and made it out with video evidence to confirm this secretive activity), was detained by authorities at the Canadian border on behalf of the globalist Bilderberg officials, and arrested live on air during a “Fox News” broadcast, having become the voice of the “awakened”, post-Left/Right-paradigm citizens who seek to defend freedom from the tyranny of the world's Elite. In this highly anticipated interview, he discusses the spiritual dimensions of the goals of the world Elite to reduce population levels, selectively breed humanity and use them to serve their purposes, as evidenced by their own writings and quotations, and details of his eye-to-eye contact with them at Bohemian Grove. He challenges the American evangelical community to again pick up their traditional role in society of defending freedom and the weak and helpless, exposing the works of Darkness, rather than siding with the powerful and strong. 2008 Constitution Party Presidential nominee Pastor Chuck Baldwin also drops by, to discuss the state of our country and the American evangelical community and its leadership today, with a charge for our next actions to take.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future” and co-host "Tom Bionic", is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Alex Jones, Joseph Farah, Chuck Baldwin and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Historical and Continuing Battle To Protect God's Word, And Its Hidden Impact on World History and Christianity Today

Show #184


23 NOVEMBER 2009


Nashville, TN – Fabled Christian documentary filmmaker Chris Pinto ( unveils the subject matter of his latest production now available on DVD, “A Lamp In The Dark”, recounting the events and issues of the deadly struggle through the ages to preserve, practice and proclaim the whole content and message in the Bible, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 23 November on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Though the years, Pinto has distinguished himself as a unique cinematic auteur within the Christian-influenced artistic community, having also garnered numerous secular industry awards. In this his latest effort, Pinto begins his story by exploring the critical turning point early in the history of the Church, when Constantine the Great “legalized” Christianity, and crowned himself both both head of the Church and the State, as “Pontifex Maximus”. This merging of an emerging centralized ecclesiastical structure with the coercive power of the State is shown to form the foundation of the accelerating Church corruption over time via centralized power and authority, and the danger to those in the minority whose faith, and most importantly their desire to derive their faith from their own knowledge of the Bible record, put them at odds with “approved” dogma. He then weaves his way through the little-known historical record of dissident communities (with respect to “official” Roman Catholic teaching) throughout the majority of the Church Age, and debunks many myths about their religious orthodoxy, while emphasizing the evidence of God's preservation of a people who lived by and studied the Word, as well as His preservation of the Biblical records themselves. In addition to his trademark dramatic reenactment vignettes of some of the clashes that produced the bloodshed and terror experienced by our Christian forefathers, he advances the narrative, and the issues raised during these times, through the days of the Reformers, the rise of the Counter-Reformation and the Jesuits, up to recent era efforts to translate the ancient Biblical records into modern languages and vernacular, and the motives of those placed today to accomplish these tasks. He also addresses a number of perplexing issues and aspects of this struggle over access to God's written revelation over the ages, such as the true historical legacy and lifestyle of early believers who retained a personal relationship to God's Word, the end-times views of the Reformers, the role of the Jesuits in the battle over Biblical texts, and many other provocative topics, which are also explored in this deep and thought-provoking discussion.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The "Ground Zero" Sycamore Tree - Isaiah's Prophecy of Judgment for America

Show # 183


16 NOVEMBER 2009


Nashville, TN – Documentary filmmaker Elliot Nesch ( reveals research and findings in his exceptional new documentary “Sycamore: the 9/11 Tragedy”, which uncovers a remarkably accurate correlation of the events and evidence of the “911” attack to a Bible passage of national judgment, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 16 November on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Mr. Nesch has made waves worldwide with his previous documentary “Zeitgeist Refuted – Final Cut”, which provides a detailed, well-researched refutation of the claims of the “Zeitgeist” film (which has its own cult following) that were intended to undermine the central tenants of the Christian faith. In his new production, he reveals a remarkable discovery of the correlation of the events and circumstances disclosed in Isaiah chapter 9 in the Bible, to the events of and after the cataclysmic “911” terror attacks. While many others have attempted to suggest certain Bible passages that might relate to the United States and her spiritual condition, this latest effort reveals uncanny connections of this passage to singular events that were part of this recent incident, relating to the damage at Ground Zero, and the defiant tone of America's leaders in response, that follows “word for word” from the text. The prophetic symbolism of the fallen sycamore tree as a harbinger of judgment, and the vain efforts to replace broken bricks with hewn stone, reveals that the nations of the earth, whether it be Israel or modern nations, often do not recognize signs of God's warning via the means of initial restrained peril, and the response of repentance that He seeks. This is illustrated by the misuse of this very Bible passage by America's political leaders in the days after the event, demonstrating their inability to the see the clear warnings in God's Word, and its reflection in the events around them. The arrogance of wealthy empire states, often disguised as patriotism even within the Christian community, is shown to be a repeated undoing of decadent societies, which suggests immediate actions are needed to respond to the late hour of God's call for repentance, as well as how the Bible reveals how God uses wicked men to first secure the attention of His people, and then as a tool of judgment if they persist in rebellion. The amazing story of St. Paul's Church at Ground Zero, its role as a historic “spiritual center” of our nation, and how it served as the center stage of this very drama, makes for a “Future Quake” show that won't be forgotten.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Shocking Revelations Of The Bush Dynasty

Show #182




Nashville, TN – Distinguished investigative reporter and author Russ Baker reveals in his new book “Family of Secrets” ( the disturbing, little-known history of the Bush family, and evidence of their likely association with dark national events from behind the scenes, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 9 November on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Russ Baker is an award-winning investigative reporter, having written for “The New Yorker”, “The Nation”, “The New York Times”, and the ”Washington Post”, and has served as a contributing editor to the “Columbia Journalism Review”. His even-handed, non-partisan style is even reflected in his non-profit, reader-supported investigative news organization, operated at In this eye-opening interview, Mr. Baker discloses data from his years of independent research of records concerning the Bush family, focusing on events and subjects not covered by other investigators and biographers. It begins with a discussion of George H. W. Bush's ancestors, including father Prescott Bush, who had involvement with Nazi industrial wartime suppliers, and a strong supporter of groups like the American Birth Control League (later to become Planned Parenthood, which then advocated concepts such as “negative eugenics” (involving sterilization and euthanasia of “less desirable” races and ethnic groups)), and his father's associations with the Rockefeller family. The bulk of the discussion focuses on the far-reaching but largely unknown (by the public) life and career of George H. W. Bush, the 41st President, including his long-running association with the CIA from an early age uncovered by Mr. Baker. Most shocking, however, is the evidence revealed that may suggest a relationship of Mr. Bush to the events surrounding the President Kennedy assassination, as well as a motive and circumstantial evidence of potential complicity in the Watergate break-in (to dispense with President Nixon when he no longer served the interests of Bush and his high-placed associates, thereby facilitating his rise to power, and that of his partners Rumsfeld and Cheney). Most disconcerting, however, for those of evangelical convictions are the facts exposed concerning George W. Bush, including his suspect worldwide business interests, murky military career, and most importantly, new evidence suggesting an agenda-driven religious “experience” to court the support of evangelical leaders. Other curious family activities such as Neil Bush, and other jaw-dropping revelations comprise this constructive, if disconcerting discussion.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Friday, October 30, 2009

How General Butler Saved Our Republic, And Exposed The Lies of War.

Show #181




Nashville, TN – “Feral House” book publisher Adam Parfrey ( recounts the forgotten but critically important story of General Smedley Butler, and his role in singlehandedly stopping a 20th Century fascist takeover of America, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 2 November on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Adam Parfrey and his publishing company “Feral House” specialize in publishing works that are highly controversial in nature, and generally those “too hot to touch” by other publishers (including highly offensive topics for many), in a libertarian spirit that has led to him becoming one of the top independent, “underground” publishers in America, not being constrained by outside corporate or other interests. One of his more curious titles is the book “War Is a Racket”, originally written in 1935 by Marine General Smedley Butler, the most decorated Marine in American history, and recipient of two Medals of Honor. He originally served as the leader of American expeditionary forces in imperialistic invasions of other countries in the early Twentieth Century, risking his life and those of his soldiers in service to his country, until he discovered they were being sent to serve the corporate interests of companies who desired to exploit the peoples they conquered. He was also known as the advocate of WWI veterans and for their receipt of benefits, even while the President sent General McArthur and General Patton to remove protesting veterans at bayonet point, killing several in the process. Mr. Parfrey recounts how General Butler was subsequently approached by representatives of major industrialists (including Dupont) and bankers (J.P. Morgan and E.F. Hutton), as well as politicans (such as New York mayor Al Smith) and organizations such as the American Legion, with an offer to participate in a government plot. It comprised funding and forcing General Butler onto Roosevelt's cabinet, and eventually forcing the President into a puppet role, with the enforcement of WWI veterans in support of Butler, in a Fascist plot with General Butler as a de facto dictator. Offered a ruling position for life, and with the resources revealed to make it a reality, Butler “played along”, while feeding information to a newspaperman, until approaching Congress when the coup was ready to start. While Congress eventually proved his accusations to be correct, national media such as the New York Times called it a “gigantic hoax”. Although this threat to American democracy was diverted, Butler received no acclaim or recognition to this day. This amazing story is recounted, with lessons it offers today for the days of deception in which we live, in an unforgettable discussion.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Sunday, October 25, 2009

"Hate Crime Laws", And Those Who Plan To Target Christians

Show #180


26 OCTOBER 2009


Nashville, TN – Reverend Ted Pike, director of the National Prayer Network (, explains the nature and threat from the “hate crime laws” now being prepared for Presidential approval, the groups pushing them and their motives, and the expected impact to professing Christians, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 26 October on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Ted Pike has led the most devoted and prominent effort over the years to track and expose the actions by organizations and groups to methodically draft and promote evolving editions of “hate crime” laws, with progressively more restrictive provisions and draconian punishments for those they deem guilty of “hate crimes”, which treat certain segments of the population as having special favored status and privileges in the defense of their rights. He explains how these laws, which have been enacted on various state levels, and are now being attempted to be homogenized on a national level, are purposely written in a vague fashion by their drafters and advocates, to subsequently be used selectively and strategically by political operatives and special interests, in league with sympathetic government officials as co-conspirators. These laws have been written to provide ease of facilitating charges of racism, anti-Semitism or homophobia, when merely expressing religious or political views that differ from those who currently control the reins of power in the legislative and judicial spheres. Examples of recent jailings of vocal Christians, and the impact of hate crime laws in other countries, including those “democracies” that do not permit the open sharing of the Christian faith in the public, are discussed as warnings for what Christians might soon encounter in America. In the second half of the weekly show, Doctor Future and Tom Bionic review and discuss their own cursory research into the two organizations that are the major proponents of these laws – the Anti Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center. These two groups have also provided the primary background material and justification for the Missouri State Police MIAC Report and Department of Homeland Security report on “Right Wing Extremists”, which lists pro-life, national sovereignty and home schooling advocates, and even those who believe in “end times prophecies”, as well as returning veterans as those who are to be monitored with suspicion as dangerous elements of society. The documented attempts of these groups to extort and confiscate assets, and even initiate notorious hate groups with their own agents, provides for a shocking and controversial discussion.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Recent Experiences In The Assault On Personal Freedom By The State, Preparations To Address It, And The Current Christian Response

Show # 179


Nashville, TN – Radio show host, author and columnist Will Grigg ( discusses recent experiences in the assault on personal freedom by the State, preparations to address it, and the proper and Biblically-justifiable Christian response, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 19 October on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Mr. Grigg is a favorite guest on the “Future Quake” show, and in addition to his must-read “Pro Libertate” blog, he now hosts his own “Pro Libertate” daily radio show on the Liberty News Radio Network. In this thought-provoking and introspective interview, he begins by describing a philosophical and moral “litmus test” one can apply to how one responds to encountering the classic scenario of witnessing a man being physically assaulted by an authority figure of the State. In this test case, the one who innately sympathizes and identifies with the State-sanctioned officer is identified as having fundamental collectivist tendencies, whereas those who sympathize with the plight of the assaulted figure, and question the grounds of his assault, are those with individualistic and libertarian perspectives. Mr. Grigg then discusses how Christians, in following the example and teachings of Christ, have additional perspectives that should influence how they might “choose sides” as a basic instinct. This philosophical exercise then serves as a backdrop to the discussion of new polling data that suggests that Americans, and moreso evangelical Christians, are more inclined to support torture of individuals that the citizens of other countries, including Muslim, Middle Eastern countries like Turkey. This shocking statistic is then used to seek answers for the disturbing accommodation by para-church evangelical ministries of their key benefactors and leaders such as Erik Prince, President of the private mercenary company Blackwater, who is now the subject of a federal court case that alleges his primary role in the establishment of child prostitution rings in Iraq, wanton killing of Iraqi citizens, and smuggling of illegal weapons, with testimony entered that claimed he desired to kill Muslims on a widespread scale for the Christian faith – all with no discernible comment from those national ministries he has been affiliated with. The mission of the “Dominionist” element predominant within these mainstream evangelical ministries, whose slogan is to “occupy until I come”, is then explored, comparing a Christian “occupying army” of Earth to that of occupying armies such as in Iraq today, as a process of “connecting the dots” in a show that will be talked about in days to come.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Iceland Financial Crisis And Its Spiritual Impact - A Lesson For America

Show # 178


12 OCTOBER 2009


Nashville, TN – American missionary and pioneer of the Icelandic Christian media community, “Lindin Media” Founder Mike Fitzgerald ( discusses the recent nationwide devastating financial crisis experienced by the nation of Iceland, and the resultant spiritual impacts that may reveal the imminent destiny of America and its society, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 12 October on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Mike Fitzgerald, raised in the United States but with dual American/Icelandic heritage and lineage, years ago accepted the call to pastor churches in Iceland, and then was called by the Lord to establish a significant Christian mass media ministry for Iceland, anchored by an eventual network of Christian-content radio stations. Through the working of God within this expanding ministry, the culture of Iceland has transformed from one generally relatively aloof of personal, experiencial Christianity while under the influence of historic, mainline Protestantism, to a vibrant and growing evangelical culture that is engaging in the daily lives of typical Icelanders, largely influenced by the growth of Christian radio and television networks under the community leadership of Lindin. These ministries have even expanded into other forms of communication and publishing, such as adventure and “superhero” comic books that are now establishing Christian values and principles in their youth. This discussion includes the story behind Lindin's involvement in God's work in establishing Christian radio in the nearby Faroe Islands, which not only has established Christian radio as a strong influence in almost all their citizens, but may also become the fortification by which Christian radio may be broadcast into the darkness of the EU-controlled European mainland. The bulk of the discussion focuses on the severe banker-based financial crisis recently experienced by Iceland, where overnight the citizens of Iceland changed from the wealthiest people on Earth, to one of the poorest, with insanely high inflation, joblessness and shortages of basic supplies and staples. This crisis, which has created widespread psychological and domestic family crises, foretells the scenario that the United States and other developed nations are soon to experience, and whom could learn well from Iceland's trevails and response. However, these challenging circumstances have provided an opportunity for Iceland's Christian community, united through national grass-roots representatives such as Lindin Media, to provide guidance and spiritual support to individual citizens, and directly to the country's leadership at this time of need. This unprecedented historic event thus provides for a fascinating and stirring discussion of God's work.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. Prior shows are also archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Saturday, October 3, 2009

New "Revelations" From Revelation On The Antichrist And His Identity

Show #177


5 OCTOBER 2009


Nashville, TN – Best-selling author Patrick Heron (, discusses his new book “The Return of The Antichrist And The New World Order”, and its claims to clearly identify the true identity of “The Beast” directly from Scripture, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 5 October on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Patrick Heron has quickly become one of the most popular authors internationally on prophetic-themed books, including his best-sellers “Apocalypse Soon” and “The Nephilim and The Pyramid of the Apocalypse”, and his prophecy-based documentaries produced by Grizzly Adams Productions. In this discussion of the provocative claims in his newest publication, he explains the reasons he was moved to write a treatise focused on the identity of the Antichrist at this time, and the “pre-tribulation rapture” prophetic framework that under-girds many of his assertions in his book. Mr. Heron explains the physical location of the “Abyss” below the surface of the Earth, and the fallen angels who are currently imprisoned there, and the reasons and actions that resulted in their judgment. He also discusses how the doctrines of returning Messiahs in both the Jewish and Muslim teachings could result in mistaken devotion to beings who will fill the office of “Beast” and “False Prophet”. The discussion also focuses on the timing, and the unique manner in which the Beast will make his presence known on Earth, and the difficulties inherent in these theories in clearly understanding the means by which these figures will seduce the world when their appearance may appear clearly supernatural and demonic in origin, unless deceptive spirits hold sway over the populace. Dr. Heron also makes bold assertions about the identities of the ten kings, seven heads and the Beast with Two Horns, and makes a person-by-person correlation to the number of fallen angelic being leaders reported in the Book of Enoch to have participated in their “pursuit of strange flesh” and tyranny over humans on Earth before the Flood. He also explains his understanding of the figurative language used to describe the creatures emerging one day from the Abyss, and a possible direct correlation to the same figures of speech used by Christ in describing dark angelic powers that resist the Kingdom of God. Other features of these characters who have both played a role in ancient history, and are expected to re-appear on the world stage again at the conclusion of time, such as their names, timing of appearance, and the means by which they will relate to each other (including tension between some parties), are a part of this unique discussion.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

Irrefutable Evidence Of An Impending Control and Detainment Of The American Public

Show #176




Nashville, TN – William Lewis and Gary Franchi, producers of the shocking new documentary “Camp FEMA” (, reveal compelling evidence from various sources of the unfolding preparations for widespread civilian detainment of America's citizens, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 28 September on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at William Lewis is an award winning filmmaker, producer of American Freedom News (an international radio program which dealt with the intrusive nature of global government), and head of a motion picture production company that produces films which expose high profile criminal transgressions and lift the veil of secrecy surrounding international cover-ups, having to date written and directed six documentaries, including One Nation Under Siege, the award winning Beyond Treason, Washington, You're Fired!, and most currently, Life on the Edge of a Bubble, which recently won Best Feature Documentary - Indy Fest 2009. Gary Franchi Jr. is also a filmmaker, television host, Managing Editor of Republic Magazine, and successor to the late Aaron Russo as the National Director of - the group formed in response to the success of "America: Freedom to Fascism", and hosts the weekly show, The Reality Report, on Freedom.TV. In this disturbing interview, they discuss their shocking new documentary “Camp FEMA”, which features segments with popular “Future Quake” guests such as Dr. Chuck Baldwin (2008 Constitution Party Presidential nominee) and World Net Daily investigative journalist Jerome Corsi. In the discussion derived from the contents of their documentary, they reveal extensive evidence that our federal government is diligently making preparations for an eventual (and possibly imminent) wide-spread detainment of American citizens, for a wide range of plausible causes. A significant portion of the discussion focuses on the real history of federal government control over civilian freedom of movement, such as the unconstitutional detainment of American citizens during World War II (in which their homes, livelihoods and other property were taken), and the illegal confiscation of guns and civilian control during the Katrina “dry run”, and the surprising current political figures who carefully re-directed FEMA to these purposes. The shocking abuse of power and control of political discourse via the FBI's “COINTELLPRO” project, and the physical, legislative and other written documentation evidence of their sinister plans disclosed here makes for a “must-listen” Future Quake episode.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Monday, September 21, 2009

New Discoveries In Prophetic Research and America's Destiny, And The Resultant Need For Independent Christian Media

Show # 175




Nashville, TN – Tom Horn, author, publisher, Internet pioneer and founder of “Raiders News Network” (, unveils his new discoveries regarding a vast prophetic plan being invoked today, and the role of America's destiny in its execution, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 21 September on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at After a distinguished career as a pastor, media personality and leader in a major Christian denomination, Dr. Horn changed the face of Christian Internet news with his various news wire services, culminating in the legendary “Raiders News Network” site, which today serves as the primary source of daily online Christian news that includes prophetically-themed elements and other topics often not covered in mainstream Christian channels. The impact of this influential news site, which has served as a cross roads and incubator of numerous cutting-edge Christian themed ministries and information is discussed, as well as how ministries like this will evolve in the future. Dr. Horn also explains the evolution of his recent “Defender Publishing Group” publishing concept, its scope and book titles and topics that will be seen from it in the near future, and the brand new “Raiders Live!” weekly radio show, now broadcast online at He also explains his idea behind the new, twenty-authored book “How To Overcome The Most Frightening Issues You WILL Face This Century” (now available for sale at and, and the impact it is expected to have with the public. The bulk of the interview focuses on the new blockbuster book Dr. Horn has recently penned and soon to be available for sale, entitled “Apollyon Rising 2012”, and the unique circumstances by which he was inspired to document its shocking premise. This vision includes the echoes of ancient pagan beliefs as well as Biblical warnings, the preservation of diabolical schemes by powerful, shadowy figures and institutions, and the possible unveiling of their plan, in its final act, to accomplish their goal of securing their total and complete dominion over the earth and its inhabitants, in the very days in which we now live. Dr. Horn ups the ante by offering an unprecedented bounty of great value for the first individuals to solve an ancient riddle that his research has uncovered. The interview concludes with a discussion about the direction that the various venues of alternative Christian media will take in the future, and earth-shaking events on the horizon we should be diligently watching for.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Threat From Popular False "Itching Ears" Teachings Of The Church

FQ Show # 173




Nashville, TN – Dr. Joseph Chambers, Director of Paw Creek Ministries (, exposes the troubling movements that have been recently underway within the Church that reside outside the confines of orthodoxy, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 14 September on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at In this revealing discussion, Dr. Chambers, a Pentecostal pastor for approximately half a century (as well as host of the long-running radio program “Open Bible Dialogue”), explains the movements that have grown with Pentecostal and other roots within the professing Church, emanating from individuals offering new revelations, teachings and experiences, and whom have drawn large followings and funding. He describes this matter in the book chapter “Occultianity, Dominionism and Institutional Collapse” he authored for the new book just released to the public, entitled “How To Overcome The Most Frightening Issues You Will Face In The Next Century” (and available for sale at In this interview, Dr. Chambers methodically discusses eight different aspects or movements that comprise these troubling deviations from orthodox Christian teaching. These include provocative topics such as “The Latter Rain Revival”, the return of the prophetic and apostolic offices (including the violently engaged “Phineas Priests”), as well as “Joel's Army” and the impact of the “Kansas City Prophets”. The role of Dominionism (a movement often cited in other “Future Quake” analyses) is also included, and its intent for Christians to “occupy until I come” by wresting the reins of civil power and institutions in order to establish the Kingdom of Heaven physically on Earth, prior to the return of Christ, as practiced by those in powerful political, ministry and media positions. Dr. Chambers boldly pronounces that such movements are often led by demonic powers, and those indwelling within prominent leaders, and that many of their followers are likely to zealously follow the Anti-Christ, who may embody many of the conquering agendas and charisma they are seeking, and since they do not anticipate the rise of a Man of Sin and great deception (as well as the removal of the saints) prior to the return of Christ. The discussion concludes with the means the Church, as well as impacted individuals, must pursue to turn back these destructive movements, which focuses on restoring the pre-eminence of the Bible as the sole authoritative source of God's will.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Latest Techniques And Initiatives By Christians To "Get Out of Babylon"

Show #173




Nashville, TN – Four representatives of the original and fascinating Christian experimental lifestyle philosophy and virtual fellowship group “Christian Exodus” ( reveal their fundamental strategies to individually restore true freedom in today's Christian lifestyle, and get out of the modern, centralized-control “Babylon” cultural system, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 7 September on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Guests Keith Humprey, Frank Janoski, Paul Smith and Robert Rudnick represent a diverse array of participants in the grass-roots “Christian Exodus” movement, hailing from locations such as Oregon, Idaho and South Carolina. Together they discuss the origins and original strategies of the emerging “Exodus” group to establish communities that freely practice Christian lifestyle principles, initially by encouraging voluntary relocation from across the country to select regions that traditionally support Christian values, such as South Carolina and Idaho, and to thus provide pluralities of like-minded adherents that can support such governance in our republic form of government. They explain how the movement has evolved further into the concept of “self-secession”, where individuals, or groups of like-minded people within or in adjacent communities, can form “virtual communities” that mutually support sustainable lifestyles based upon Christian principles, without relying on modern institutions that weaken individual liberty, responsibility and morality, and thus voluntarily withdraw from the control and confines of the centralized “Babylon” tyrannical system. Various elements of this “self secession” concept, such as promotion of agrarian lifestyles, home-based businesses and schooling of children, and community-based bartering and economies are discussed, amongst others, all of which promote self determination, strong family units, community support and problem solving, and Christian morality and charity. Some of the more provocative elements, such as the promotion of unlicensed marriage and unlicensed, home-based churches, are considered in some detail, to clarify and explain their merits and rationale, to further minimize the authority relinquished the State that was never intended by God nor our forefathers, and to illustrate the roles of the sacred and secular in communities and culture. Fascinating concepts such as Christian charity-based “health care sharing” arrangements are also explored, as well as the challenges of meeting our call to evangelize simultaneously, in this deeply thought-provoking exploration.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Impending Menace Of Mandated, Dangerous Vaccines

FQ Show #172


31 AUGUST 2009


Nashville, TN – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (,, exposes the extreme dangers posed by the new swine flu vaccine, and reveals evidence of the diabolical plans that may be underway to exploit a perceived worldwide crisis, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 31 August on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Dr. Tenpenny has dedicated a major portion of her medical career to exposing the dangers of corporate-backed pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and synthesized chemical-based medical treatment in general, and is a worldwide recognized expert in the science and dangers of vaccines, as well as author of the popular book “FOWL! Bird Flu: It's Not what You Think!”. In her second visit to “Future Quake” (having last appeared in May of 2006), Dr. Tenpenny warns of the imminent hazard posed by the new swine flu vaccine being aggressively pushed upon the American public, and may soon become mandated, as it has in other parts of the world. The discussion begins with a brief primer on the history of vaccination, and the repercussions of other diseases spread while administering vaccines, and the decision centuries ago to vaccinate children, before the advent of clinical studies of the ramifications to the public. Other tragic outcomes in recent decades from the “modern” administration of such vaccines, such as the suspected rise in autism in children due to the “immunity overload” resulting from salvos of vaccines administered to children, and the events of paralysis and death experienced from the 1970s swine flu vaccine delivery to the public (whereas only one life was lost due to the flu itself), are also discussed. The bulk of the discussion centers on the rushed production and widespread mass administration of a new swine flu vaccine, with government plans to push it aggressively this fall, with pronouncements of widespread death and societal disruption expected if such programs are not conducted. The important components of the emerging vaccine are listed, such as squalene, possible mercury preservatives, and aborted baby and cancerous animal tissue, and their observed medical associations with psychotic events in children and Gulf War Syndrome. Most importantly, the show concludes with a discussion of the possible disturbing motives the federal and world governments and authorities, and their pharmaceutical corporation partners, including likely financial windfalls and control of the populace. The tough decisions now faced by families as a result are also explored in this critically important discourse.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ted Kennedy's letter to the Soviet Union...

Within the context of Senators Kennedy's recent demise, his propensity to grab wildly at power, control, and, as in the case below, to sometimes work outright against the best interests of the United States if he felt it furthered his interests should not be forgotten.



Special Importance
Committee on State Security of the USSR
14.05. 1983 No. 1029 Ch/OV

Regarding Senator Kennedy’s request to the General Secretary of the Communist Party Comrade Y.V. Andropov

Comrade Y.V. Andropov

On 9-10 May of this year, Senator Edward Kennedy’s close friend and trusted confidant J. Tunney was in Moscow. The senator charged Tunney to convey the following message, through confidential contacts, to the General Secretary of the Center Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Y. Andropov.

Senator Kennedy, like other rational people, is very troubled by the current state of Soviet-American relations. Events are developing such that this relationship coupled with the general state of global affairs will make the situation even more dangerous. The main reason for this is Reagan’s belligerence, and his firm commitment to deploy new American middle range nuclear weapons within Western Europe.

According to Kennedy, the current threat is due to the President’s refusal to engage any modification on his politics. He feels that his domestic standing has been strengthened because of the well publicized improvement of the economy: inflation has been greatly reduced, production levels are increasing as is overall business activity. For these reasons, interest rates will continue to decline. The White House has portrayed this in the media as the "success of Reaganomics."

Naturally, not everything in the province of economics has gone according to Reagan’s plan. A few well known economists and members of financial circles, particularly from the north-eastern states, foresee certain hidden tendencies that many bring about a new economic crisis in the USA. This could bring about the fall of the presidential campaign of 1984, which would benefit the Democratic party. Nevertheless, there are no secure assurances this will indeed develop.

The only real threats to Reagan are problems of war and peace and Soviet-American relations. These issues, according to the senator, will without a doubt become the most important of the election campaign. The movement advocating a freeze on nuclear arsenals of both countries continues to gain strength in the United States. The movement is also willing to accept preparations, particularly from Kennedy, for its continued growth. In political and influential circles of the country, including within Congress, the resistence to growing military expenditures is gaining strength.

However, according to Kennedy, the opposition to Reagan is still very weak. Reagan’s adversaries are divided and the presentations they make are not fully effective. Meanwhile, Reagan has the capabilities to effectively counter any propaganda. In order to neutralize criticism that the talks between the USA and the USSR are non-constructive, Reagan will grandiose, but subjectively propagandistic. At the same time, Soviet officials who speak about disarmament will be quoted out of context, silenced or groundlessly and whimsically discounted. Although arguments and statements by officials of the USSR do appear in the press, it is important to note the majority of Americans do not read serious newspapers or periodicals.

Kennedy believes that, given the current state of affairs, and in the interest of peace, it would be prudent and timely to undertake the following steps to counter the militaristic politics of Reagan and his campaign to psychologically burden the American people. In this regard, he offers the following proposals to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Y.V. Andropov:

1. Kennedy asks Y.V. Andropov to consider inviting the senator to Moscow for a personal meeting in July of this year. The main purpose of the meeting, according to the senator, would be to arm Soviet officials with explanations regarding problems of nuclear disarmament so they may be better prepared and more convincing during appearances in the USA. He would also like to inform you that he has planned a trip through Western Europe, where he anticipates meeting England’s Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and French President Mitterand in which he will exchange similar ideas regarding the same issues.

If his proposals would be accepted in principle, Kennedy would send his representative to Moscow to resolve questions regarding organizing such a visit.

Kennedy thinks the benefits of a meeting with Y.V.Andropov will be enhanced if he could also invite one of the well known Republican senators, for example, Mark Hatfield. Such a meeting will have a strong impact on American and political circles in the USA (In March of 1982, Hatfield and Kennedy proposed a project to freeze the nuclear arsenals of the USA and USSR and pblished a book on the theme as well.)

2. Kennedy believes that in order to influence Americans it would be important to organize in August-September of this year, televised interviews with Y.V. Andropov in the USA. A direct appeal by the General Secretary to the American people will, without a doubt, attact a great deal of attention and interest in the country. The senator is convinced this would receive the maximum resonance in so far as television is the most effective method of mass media and information.

If the proposal is recognized as worthy, then Kennedy and his friends will bring about suitable steps to have representatives of the largest television companies in the USA contact Y.V. Andropov for an invitation to Moscow for the interview. Specifically, the president of the board of directors of ABC, Elton Raul and television columnists Walter Cronkite or Barbara Walters could visit Moscow. The senator underlined the importance that this initiative should be seen as coming from the American side.

Furthermore, with the same purpose in mind, a series of televised interviews in the USA with lower level Soviet officials, particularly from the military would be organized. They would also have an opportunity to appeal directly to the American people about the peaceful intentions of the USSR, with their own arguments about maintaining a true balance of power between the USSR and the USA in military term. This issue is quickly being distorted by Reagan’s administration.

Kennedy asked to convey that this appeal to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union is his effort to contribute a strong proposal that would root out the threat of nuclear war, and to improve Soviet-American relations, so that they define the safety of the world. Kennedy is very impressed with the activities of Y.V. Andropov and other Soviet leaders, who expressed their commitment to heal international affairs, and improve mutal understandings between peoples.

The senator underscored that he eagerly awaits a reply to his appeal, the answer to which may be delivered through Tunney.

Having conveyed Kennedy’s appeal to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Tunney also explained that Senator Kennedy has in the last few years actively made appearances to reduce the threat of war. Because he formally refused to partake in the election campaign of 1984, his speeches would be taken without prejudice as they are not tied to any campaign promises. Tunney remarked that the senator wants to run for president in 1988. At that time, he will be 56 and his personal problems, which could hinder his standing, will be resolved (Kennedy has just completed a divorce and plans to remarry in the near future). Taken together, Kennedy does not discount that during the 1984 campaign, the Democratic Party may officially turn to him to lead the fight against the Republicans and elect their candidate president. This would explain why he is convinced that none of the candidates today have a real chance at defeating Reagan.

We await instructions.

President of the committee
V. Chebrikov

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Jesus' Confrontation With The Ancient Giants And Fallen Angels

FQ Show #171


24 AUGUST 2009


Nashville, TN – Anthropologist, historian and theology scholar Judd Burton ( discusses his recent archaeological findings near the foot of Mount Hermon by the Israeli-Lebanese border, and his other research that reveals shocking new discoveries about the early days of mankind and Christ's mission on Earth, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 24 August on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Mr. Burton received a BA in History, and an MA in Anthropology from Texas Tech University, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D in History at the the same university, focusing his studies on topics such as the survival of mythology, sacred geography, folk religion and contemporary alternative religious movements. He currently serves as an instructor at Amarillo College, teaching classes in History, Anthropology and the Humanities, and is the founder of The Institute of Biblical Anthropology (, led by Burton and several assistants. Burton, a Christian and ordained minister and recipient of an honorary Doctor of Divinity, is the author of numerous books in or near publication, including “The Paranormal Big Country”, “Man, Myth and Magic” and “The Catclaw and the Pentagram”. His latest work, to be published in July 2009, is “Interview With the Giant: Ethnohistorical Notes on the Nephilim” - a “soups to nuts” documentation of the ancient recorded history and legacy of the mysterious races of giants that once roamed the lands of the earth both before and after the Great Flood, and may yet reappear again. This new publication, which also includes detailed descriptions of the Bible, Book of Enoch and ancient texts, forms the crux of this intriguing look into the horrors of the ancient world, as well as his latest archaeological digs in the northern Israeli regions of Banias, near Caesarea Phillippi and the pagan “Grotto of Pan” cave opening, which reveals a possible sinister ancient secret literally “buried” at this site of ancient evil activities and worship. This show will address questions such as “How did the Nephilim and other giants originate?”, “Did angelic beings interfere and threaten man at one time?”, “How were they dealt with?” and “How did the giants reappear after the Flood?”. The most startling new findings Mr. Burton reveals from both his physical and academic “digging” includes new revelations on why Jesus may have “transfigured” Himself, and established the Church and imbued it with power, at the very site marking a time of ancient rebellion by powerful entities. These and other amazing discoveries explored make this a classic “Future Quake” to be discussed for years to come.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Events and Developments With Hidden Prophetic Significance

Show # 170


17 AUGUST 2009


Nashville, TN – Commentator Jeff Radt ( discusses his recent research and articles which explore the hidden prophetic meanings behind some of today's most provocative yet often overlooked events, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 17 August on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Mr. Radt began writing on such topics in support of Tom Horn and his “Raiders News Network” website, and now authors the acclaimed “Look Up Fellowship” news and commentary site, with a prolific output of daily news item reviews and commentary, with a unique eye on the hidden prophetic meanings, and is a daily “must read” for many students of Bible prophecy. In this inaugural visit to “Future Quake”, Mr. Radt introduces us to how Bible prophecy revealed its superiority to him over other prophetic sources like Nostradamus, and how it then led him to embracing a saving faith in Jesus Christ as his Savior. He briefly discusses the purposes and experiences with his “Look Up Fellowship” on line commentary site, and his new role as co-host of the “Big Finale” talk show (with Bruce Collins). The discussion then leads toward specific current developments like the “Codex Alimentarius”, an international set of governing regulations pertaining to food production, which has of late become a tool by globalists and agribusiness cartels to control the types and amounts of food available to the world's populace, and to restrict access to organic and local foods and medications. The recent rise of Russia as a world player and the current events exposing this development, and the murky background and ominous purposes and activities of the New Age foundational organization, The Institute for Noetic Sciences, are also explored in depth. The plans by national and global governments and power brokers to use a real or manufactured flu pandemic to tighten their control, manipulate the populations and mandate the use of dangerous vaccines (while reaping a profit windfall) are also discussed. Recent government policies and guidance pertaining to the planned monitoring and infiltration of “Right Wing Extremists”, comprising those who oppose globalism and support the Second Amendment, the Constitution and are pro-life, and even those who believe in “End Times prophecies”, and recent events of violence by which such groups can be identified as scapegoats, are considered as a potential threat to loyal Americans who espouse Christian principles. The rising concerns about reports of civilian internment camps, including sightings and even government recruitment drives, are part of this lively interview.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Evangelical Christianity "On The Couch" - A Spiritual And Mental Health Assessment

Show #169


10 AUGUST 2009


Nashville, TN – Mark Breton (,, author, freelance writer for the Nashville (TN) Scene Magazine, and founder of The Relational Discipleship & Worldview Studies Institute, discusses the corporate mental, emotional and spiritual state of the evangelical community in the West today, as well as that of its typical individuals, families and churches, with host “Doctor Future” and co-host Tom Bionic, airing daily during the week of 10 August on the “Future Quake” program, broadcast on the Christian talk radio station WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN (and archived at Mr. Breton has received a Masters of Arts Degree in Religion, with a major in Pastoral Counseling, from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, and is current pursuing a Doctorate of Ministry at the Trinity Graduate School of Apologetics and Theology. He serves as a freelance writer for the Nashville Scene Magazine, writing on current events with commentary from a Christian perspective for a very philosophically diverse audience. He is the founder of a new organization known as “The Relational Discipleship & Worldview Studies Institute”, which is stated to be “founded on the principles of the absolute authority of God's Word, the life of Christ in the believer, and the outpowering of the Holy Spirit into the church; growing us together in maturity and wisdom.” Their stated mission is to be “a resource to the church to assist in the maturity and growth of believers in the local fellowships and communities”, and focus on “relationships, discipleship and worldview, and how these three areas of life integrate to form the whole man through the grace of God in Christ Jesus”. In this thought-provoking interview, Mr. Breton discusses how the typical evangelical individuals today are self-centered, and focused on what religion can do to help themselves and their problems and fortunes; he counters that they would be better served by focusing on gratitude for what God has done for their lives, and devote themselves to Christian service as an expression of love for the Lord. He also acknowledges that many modern adherents find embracing the fundamental teachings of the Bible, and the moral guidelines it demands, to be distasteful and constrictive, and thereby resist such commitments. These traits are contrasted to Christians of the past, who worshiped out of devotion and gratitude, and generally devoted considerable time to community Christian service and ministry. This recent influence is shown to impact family relationships (with such self-centeredness drawing family members into their own separate paths), church families, and the Body of Christ in Society. This and other provocative findings are discussed in this thoughtful discourse.

“Future Quake”, hosted by “Doctor Future”, is a daily Christian interview and news review radio program, focusing on issues and events that will soon impact our collective futures. It features interviews with international experts on the topics covered (such as recent guests Alvin Toffler, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Joseph Farah and Dr. Jerome Corsi), with constructive, intellectual discussions intended to better inform the public and provide useful information to prepare for the days ahead. It airs each weekday at 4 PM on WENO, 760 AM in Nashville, TN, the most popular Christian talk station in Middle Tennessee, and extending into much of the Mid-South. For those that miss the live broadcast, prior shows are archived in .mp3 format for listening on demand at, or available as a podcast (under “future quake”) at I-Tunes (

CONTACT: “Dr. Future”, Host, “Future Quake” Radio Show (
